Sport and traditional school subjects
We are crazy about teaching, which is your guarantee for creative and an up-to-date lessons. Our enthusiasm is passed on to you… We are serious about the subjects but are also very much aware of that the classroom subjects shall be fun and motivating.
In year nine, we divide the class into levels, to make sure all students are challenged at their level. The subjects are maths, Danish, English, German, science, biology, geography, history, society. Furthermore basics PE, assembly, singing and folkdance are smaller subjects mandatory for all students.
In year ten the class is divided after your interests and your plans for the future: Science, Society and language or entrepreneurship. No matter which direction you choose you’ll have lessons in Danish, maths and English. Basics PE, assembly, singing and folkdance are also compulsory for all students in year 10.
Though we are crazy about maths and science, we are also crazy about sport. And so are our students too! You don’t need to be an elite player (but if you are, that’s fine as well) within handball, soccer or gymnastics to be a student at Dejbjerglund – all you need is to be crazy about physical exercise.
All our sport teachers are dedicated to sport, and in particular gymnastics, handball and soccer. For sure they will challenge you and give you a lot of experiences.
Gymnastics is compulsory for all students. We are well-known for our gymnastics show where all students participate. Furthermore you can choose between handball, soccer and different parts of gymnastics like: tumbling and power tumbling, rhythmic gymnastics and dance.
For us sport is our common interest, and we practise every day.
Each year we go skiing in Wagrain, Austria. Every day we practise Alpin skiing or snowboarding. In the evenings we do activities and have a lot of fun together.
For a week the learning is taking place in the Alps.

Through out the year we dig into different subjects and are working together in new groups. We dig into subjects like theatre/musical, creative subjects, society, geography. Some times we end up having a show or presentation.

Year 9 is going for a trip to Copenhagen. Here they discover the Danish capital through activities, visits and meeting with the people living and working in Copenhagen.

STUDY TRIPS – year 10
Year 10 is going in smaller groups to a capital in Europe. We have been to London, Istanbul, Budapest, Athen. We meet the local people, eat the traditional dishes and experience the culture.
Through out the day we are changing between traditional school subjects and sport, so even though we have classes until 6 pm the day doesn’t feel long and boring at all!
Nicoline Frøjk, student 19/20
Great that the facilities are open so often. You can really develop your techniques.
Magnus Nielsen og Nicolaj Holberg, students 19/20
Did you know…
That the community is always in focus in Dejbjerglund?
That we believe the best way to develop is in a healthy environment with others?
That we believe that each person is unique and wonderful?
That we equally focus on traditional school subjects and sport?
That our school has exsisted since 1986?